{"Field":"conditionNumber","Description":"Condition number, that is the highest divided by the lowest eigenvalue in the population covariance matrix"} {"Field":"cor","Description":"Correlation matrix"} {"Field":"phiR","Description":"correlation matrix of each individual's eta (if present)"} {"Field":"objDF","Description":"Data frame containing objective function information (AIC, BIC, etc.)"} {"Field":"time","Description":"Duration of different parts of the analysis (e.g. setup, optimization, calculation of covariance, etc.)"} {"Field":"theta","Description":"Estimates for eta for each individual"} {"Field":"etaObf","Description":"Estimates for eta for each individual, This also includes the objective function for each individual"} {"Field":"fixef","Description":"Estimates of fixed effects"} {"Field":"foceiControl","Description":"Estimation options if focei was used"} {"Field":"ui","Description":"Final estimates for the model"} {"Field":"dataMergeFull","Description":"Full data merge with the fit output and the original dataset; Also includes nlmixrLlikObs which includes the individual observation contribution to the likelihood"} {"Field":"censInfo","Description":"Gives the censorng information abot the fit (the type of censoring that was seend and handled in the dataset)"} {"Field":"dataLloq","Description":"Gives the lloq from the dataset (average) when cesoring has occured; Requires the fit to have a table step"} {"Field":"dataUloq","Description":"Gives the uloq from the dataset (average) when censoring has occured; requires the fit to have a table step"} {"Field":"eta","Description":"IIV values for each indiviudal "} {"Field":"dataMergeInner","Description":"Inner data merge with the fit output and the original dataset; Also includes nlmixrLlikObs which includes the individual observation contribution to the likelihood"} {"Field":"rxControl","Description":"Integration options used to control rxode2"} {"Field":"dataMergeLeft","Description":"Left data merge with the fit output and the original dataset; Also includes nlmixrLlikObs which includes the individual observation contribution to the likelihood"} {"Field":"omega","Description":"Matrix containing the estimates of the multivarte normal covariance matrix for between subject varaibilities (omega)"} {"Field":"covMethod","Description":"Method used to calculate covariance of the fixed effects"} {"Field":"modelName","Description":"Name of the R object containing the model"} {"Field":"origData","Description":"Original dataset "} {"Field":"phiRSE","Description":"Relative standard error of each individuals eta"} {"Field":"dataMergeRight","Description":"Right data merge with the fit output and the original dataset; Also includes nlmixrLlikObs which includes the individual observation contribution to the likelihood"} {"Field":"ipredModel","Description":"rxode2 estimation model for fit (internal will likely be removed from visibility"} {"Field":"phiSE","Description":"Standard error of each individuals eta"} {"Field":"parFixed","Description":"Table of parameter estimates (rounded and pretty looking)"} {"Field":"parFixedDF","Description":"Table of parameter estimates as a data frame"} {"Field":"omegaR","Description":"The correlation matirx of omega with standard deviations for the diagonal pieces"} {"Field":"iniUi","Description":"The initial model used to start the estimation"} {"Field":"finalUi","Description":"The model with the estimates replaced as values"} {"Field":"scaleInfo","Description":"The scaling factors used for nlmixr2 estimation in focei; The can be changed by foceiControl(scaleC=...) if you think these are unreasonable. It also tells the Gill83 outcome of trying to find the best step size (High gradient error, bad gradient etc)"} {"Field":"table","Description":"These are the table options that were used when generating the table output (were CWRES included, etc"} {"Field":"shrink","Description":"This is a table of shrinkages for all the individual ETAs as well as the variance shrinkage as well as summary statistics for the ETAs and Residual Error"} {"Field":"env","Description":"This is the environment where all the information for the fit is stored outside of the data-frame. It is an R environment hence $env"} {"Field":"seed","Description":"This is the initial seed used for saem"} {"Field":"simInfo","Description":"This returns a list of all the fit information used for a traditional rxode2 simulation, which you can tweak yourself if you wish"} {"Field":"runInfo","Description":"This returns a list of all the warnings or fit information"} {"Field":"parHistStacked","Description":"Value of objective function and parameters at each iteration (tall format)"} {"Field":"parHist ","Description":"Value of objective function and parameters at each iteration (wide format)"} {"Field":"cov","Description":"Variance-covariance matrix"}